what are em and rem units bilal shafqat

What Are EM and REM Units?

CSS uses various units to define lengths, such as px (pixels), % (percentages), and relative units like em and rem. Unlike absolute units like pixels, EM and REM are relative units, meaning their values depend on other elements in the document. EM (Relative to Parent Element): EM units are relative to the font size of the element’s parent. For instance, …

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high quality Free Design Resources for Every Creative Designer bilal shafqat

High Quality Free Design Resources for Every Creative Designer

As a creative designer, staying inspired and ahead of the curve is essential. High-quality design resources can save you time, elevate your projects, and spark creativity—without breaking the bank. In this article, we’ll explore four standout free design resources: Mesh Gradients, Bzzzt, Picular, and Scribbles. Let’s dive into how these tools can transform your design workflow. Mesh Gradients: Elevate Your …

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